Donations, Tribute Giving & More

Thank you for considering the Museum & Cultural Center at 5ive Points for your charitable giving! The Museum & Cultural Center at 5ive Points relies on individuals, foundations, and corporate entities to support our outstanding exhibitions, education programs, and other initiatives for a vibrant, growing community in Cleveland, TN. We will continue to provide the critical services and education to our students and community with your help. Gifts can support many areas of MCC5P, including exhibitions, educational programs, archives, and enhancement of the Museum’s general operations.

To make a gift, please visit our website or mail your contribution to 200 Inman Street E, Cleveland, TN 37311. To donate by phone or for more information about making a financial gift to the museum, please contact Michael Stokes at (423) 339-5745 ext. 107 or

All checks should be made out to Museum & Cultural Center at 5ive Points.


Donate Today!

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Donation Designations

We have a number of ways you can support the museum and it’s programs!

Click below for more info.

Educational Outreach

The Museum Center at 5ive Points offers 8 educational trunks that meet all K-12 TN State educational standards. These trunks make learning history interactive and fun! Whether taken into the classroom or used during a field trip, children love getting this hands-on history experience. Our goal is to provide our education programs for free to school systems in our region. We need your help to make it happen by raising $50,000.00 to support this program.

General Admission

Everyone deserves to come to the Museum Center at 5ive Points and learn about our history and culture. With the cost of living rising throughout our community, we don’t want anyone to miss out on the chance to gather, learn, and grow. Help us make the museum accessible to all members of the Ocoee Region, by donating to support FREE general admission at the museum. Our goal is to raise $10,000.00 to fund this effort.

General Operating Fund

As a non-profit organization, the Museum and Cultural Center at 5ive Points relies on support from our community to continue celebrating the story and heritage of the Ocoee Region through exhibits, experiences, and events. A gift to the general operating fund goes to help us fulfill our mission of providing a place for our community to gather, learn, and grow as we connect with our past, enjoy our present, and dream of our future.

Ways to Give

Donate a Portion of your Amazon Purchase

Remember, always start at, search for Museum & Cultural Center at 5ive Points, and Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases.

Planned Giving

Each year, patrons of MCC5P remember us in their estate plans. Bequests come in all sizes and in many forms; MCC5P is deeply grateful for each and every one. Your bequest expresses your lasting commitment to the Museum and contributes to the growth and ongoing success of the

institution. When you provide for MCC5P in your estate plan, please let us know so that we can thank you now and recognize your intentions.

Gift of Endowment

Create an enduring legacy. Endowment funds provide a perpetual stream of income to support the Museum’s priorities and serve to help fulfill the Museum’s ongoing vision and mission for future generations to access our collections. Donors may name a space in the Museum and establish named curatorial positions, exhibitions, internships, or general operations.

Gifts in Honor or Memory

Consider making a gift in honor of an individual or anniversaries, birthdays, accomplishments, and special events. Making a gift in tribute is a long-lasting way to honor the memory of a loved one. MCC5P’s privilege is to receive gifts in memory of friends or family to carry on our work in their names.

Tribute Giving

Honor a friend or loved one with a Tribute Gift to MCC5P.  The recognition is a meaningful way to memorialize a loss, express gratitude for a thoughtful deed, and to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, and accomplishments.

We will notify the honoree or family but won’t disclose the amount.